I am starting a series of posts to share the pleasure of mine of fooling around with web technologies. Thus the name for it — Web Fandango. My hope is to bring fun and entertainment for those of you who are doing web development on a daily basis.

I was inspired by Hermits, letsplayers that record Minecraft videos on the server called Hermitcraft. They stick together, plan a little bit ahead, invent amazing and beautiful projects, have a lot of fun time and doing great in sharing their play with rest of the world. I hope that someday I also will be able to gather people around that idea for web development.

Mostly I’m going to implement things in Clojure because I think it’s the best tool for such projects. It is also a good fit for large ones, but that I will let you be the judge about that. :) Clojure allows you to build quickly, but still have a good understanding of your code, which lays a solid ground for you if your project suddenly kicks off to be a big story. By the way, I plan on touching topics like deployment, metrics and monitoring for my projects, which will help me to track that